Measure V is a complicated and costly rent control program for mobilehome park residents in unincorporated Humboldt County that is subsidized by taxpayers countywide!

Cities and Counties throughout the state have spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars administering their ordinances and defending them in Court.

Hilary Mosher - the person behind Measure V - called for means testing in her 1991 letter-to-the-editor while living in Eugene.
Why is she not calling for means testing with Measure V?
Perhaps it's because, as a business owner, she wouldn't qualify for income assistance!

Better protection for the park residents than V
Letter To The Editor
There is a better way than Measure V. I live in Ocean West Mobile Home Park and served on the Home Owners Association committee to negotiate an improved long term lease. The new owners were very willing to negotiate with us.
Our long-term lease uses the Consumer Price Index to provide annual increases in rent to allow park owners the revenue to maintain this beautiful park, and receive a return on their investment. In exchange for this the owners agreed not to pass through any expenses of maintenance or repairs to the park, large or small [...]
Read up and please vote no on Measure V
Letter To The Editor
In May, a federal jury unanimously found that the city of Carson and its rent control board violated the constitutional rights of the owner of Colony Cove — a mobile home park in Southern California. The jury concluded that the board’s rejection of lawfully filed rent increase applications in 2007 and 2008 constituted a regulatory taking without just compensation [...]
‘I urge you to vote no on Measure V’
Letter To The Editor
In 2013, we purchased Indianola Mobile Home Park in Eureka. Indianola is a nice, well-maintained park with 70 mobile home spaces. Since purchasing the park, we have spent tens of thousands of dollars in maintenance and upgrades [...]